Yang Hai(海洋)
I am a final-year M.Sc. student at Xidian University, supervised by Dr. Yinlin Hu and Prof. Rui Song.
My research interest lies in Computer Vision and Deep learning. Recently, I have been working on pose estimation and neural rendering.
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2023.11. I am going to join Insta360 as a research engineer.
2023.07. One paper is accepted by ICCV 2023.
2023.02. Two papers are accepted by CVPR 2023.
2022.10. We win the Best Single-Model Method and the Best Method on LM-O in the BOP Challenge 2022. [Slides]
2021.03-2021.09. Research intern at Sensetime, working closely with Zhaoyang Liu.
2021.06. Gradute from Xidian University, ranking 5%.
Yang Hai, Rui Song, Jiaojiao Li, David Ferstl, Yinlin Hu. Pseudo Flow Consistency for Self-Supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023. [PDF] [Code] [Poster] [Video]
Yang Hai, Rui Song, Jiaojiao Li, Mathieu Salzmann, Yinlin Hu. Rigidity-Aware Detection for 6D Object Pose Estimation.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023. [PDF] [Code] [Poster] [Video]
Yang Hai, Rui Song, Jiaojiao Li, Yinlin Hu. Shape-Constraint Recurrent Flow for 6D Object Pose Estimation.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023. [PDF] [Code] [Poster] [Video]